Scale Plan

For growing businesses needing comprehensive analytics.

Price: $49/month


  • Views & Events: 500,000 Monthly Total Views and Events Across All Websites

  • Connected Websites: Track up to 50 Websites

  • 25 Monthly A/B Split Tests

  • Share Dashboard with Clients/Teams

What happens if I go over my monthly page views limit?

Humblytics will send an email alert when you approach 75% of your plan limit. If you exceed your plan limit, you have a 3-day grace period to upgrade before tracking stops.

Are the views, events, and split test limits for each website or for all websites connected?

The limits apply across all websites connected to your account.

Is Humblytics GDPR compliant?

Humblytics is working towards GDPR compliance. If you want to be notified when we achieve full compliance, you can contact us at

Last updated