Adding Webflow Analytics to Your Site

For detailed instructions on adding your Webflow site, visit the Webflow Analytics Guide or watch our Webflow Analytics Video Tutorial.

How to Add Webflow Analytics to Your Website Using Humblytics Published on May 1, 2024

Step 1: Sign Up for Humblytics

  • Create an Account: Visit the Humblytics website and sign up for an account. Choose a plan that suits your needs. You can start with the free Lite plan to test out the platform.

Step 2: Connect Your First Website via Webflow Auth

  • Access Your Dashboard: Once you logged in, you will receive a prompt to add your first website.

  • Authorize Webflow: Select "Add Webflow Site" to authorize with Webflow and access your Workspace.

Step 3: Add Humblytics Tracking Script to Your Webflow Site

  • Log in to Webflow: Open a new tab and log into your Webflow account.

  • Select Your Project: Go to the project where you want to implement tracking.

  • Get the Tracking Script: Copy the embed script and add it to your Webflow Site. This script is uniquely generated for your account to ensure privacy and accuracy in tracking.

  • Navigate to Custom Code: In your project’s settings, find the ‘Custom Code’ section which is usually found in the site settings menu.

  • Paste the Script: In the ‘Head Code’ box, paste the Humblytics tracking script you copied earlier. This ensures the script loads on every page of your site.

  • Verify Script Installation: Click on 'Verify Website' to ensure the website is properly tracking events.

  • Save and Publish: After pasting the script and configuring your settings, save the changes in Webflow and publish your site. This will activate the tracking script across your website.

Step 4: Test and Verify Installation

  • Test the Installation: Visit your website to trigger some events (like page views or button clicks).

  • Check Analytics: Go back to your Humblytics dashboard to see if the events are being tracked. It might take a few minutes for the data to appear.

Step 5: Monitor and Optimize

  • Regularly Check Data: Use the insights gathered by Humblytics to understand user behavior and optimize your site. Utilize features like A/B testing to further enhance site performance.

Last updated