
Humblytics prioritizes user privacy by ensuring that no cookies or local storage data are used in its analytics process. The platform is designed to be compliant with privacy regulations such as the GDPR, providing peace of mind for website owners and their users.

Key Privacy Features:

  1. No Cookies or Local Storage

    • Humblytics does not use cookies or local storage, eliminating the need for consent banners.

    • User activity is tracked without storing personal data on the user's device.

  2. Data Anonymization

    • Unique users are anonymized by hashing their IP addresses and device characteristics.

    • This process ensures that individual users cannot be identified, maintaining their privacy.

  3. GDPR Compliance

    • Humblytics is actively working towards full GDPR compliance.

    • Regular updates and practices are in place to ensure adherence to privacy laws.

  4. Data Security

    • All collected data is securely stored and encrypted to protect against unauthorized access.

    • Robust security measures are implemented to safeguard user information.


  • User Trust: By prioritizing privacy, Humblytics helps build trust with your website visitors.

  • Compliance: Simplifies compliance with privacy regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.

  • No Consent Needed: Avoids the need for intrusive consent banners, enhancing user experience.

Last updated